About Us

At awbwebdesign we have a solid understanding of design programs such as Dreamweaver, Microsoft Expression Web, Netbeans, Visual Studio, Photoshop, Indesign, and Ilustrator. We have strong foundations in HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Java, Javascript, and .Net/Visual Basic. We have strong administrative capabilities, and we familiar with the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel).


• Software Development Fundamentals, Microsoft, MC ID: 11841745, April 2015 – Present

• CIW JavaScript Specialist, Certification Partners, LLC - CIW/CTP, License 652519, May2018 – Present

• CIW Web Design Specialist, Certification Partners, LLC - CIW/CTP, License 652519, April 2015 – Present

• CIW Site Development Associate, Certification Partners, LLC - CIW/CTP, License 652519, April 2014 – Present

• Adobe InDesign Associate, Adobe Systems Incorporated, License UnQ9-sFq, February 2014 – Present

• Visual Design using Adobe Photoshop, February 2020 – Present

• Graphic Design & Illustration using Adobe Illustrator, February 2020 – Present

• Adobe Dreamweaver Associate, Adobe Systems Incorporated, License uEK5-XLPh, January 2014 – Present

• Web Development, University of West Florida, May 2013 – Present

• Database Administrator, University of West Florida, December 2017 – Present

• CIW Social Media Strategist, April 2023 - Present

• HTML5 Application Development, March 2023 - Present